Our Land, Our Story

The traditional homelands of the Warrgamay people cover an expansive area of approximately 185,000 hectares. From the coastal plains of Lucinda to the rugged beauty of the Seaview Range and the lush rainforests of Girringun National Park, our lands are rich with history, culture, and natural beauty. These lands are not just a place to live; they are a living connection to our ancestors, our traditions, and our future.

Native Title and Our Rights

In a significant recognition of our enduring connection to Country, the Warrgamay people have recently celebrated a native title ruling that officially recognises our rights over this vast region. This ruling reaffirms our right to hunt, fish, gather, and conduct ceremonies on our lands, as well as to teach and maintain places of cultural importance. It empowers us to continue our role as custodians of this land, ensuring that our cultural practices, stories, and knowledge are passed down to future generations.

Our Culture and Practices

Our culture is deeply intertwined with the natural world. The Warrgamay people have long been stewards of the land, sea, and rivers, practicing sustainable methods that honour and protect the environment. We are committed to preserving our language, song lines, creation stories, trading routes, and lore. These elements are the lifeblood of our culture, connecting us to our ancestors and guiding us in our relationship with the land. By maintaining and revitalising these traditions, we ensure that the wisdom of our forebears continues to thrive in the present and into the future.

A Future Guided by Culture

The recognition of our native title is more than a legal victory; it is a reaffirmation of our identity and our responsibilities as Traditional Owners. We are committed to preserving our cultural heritage, protecting our sacred sites, and sharing the wisdom of our ancestors with the world. Through our continued connection to Country, we honour the past, enrich the present, and build a future where the traditions of the Warrgamay people continue to thrive.

Walk with Us in Rebuilding Our Culture

We invite you to learn more about the Warrgamay people, our history, and our ongoing efforts to protect and celebrate our cultural heritage. Whether you are exploring the natural wonders of our land or seeking to understand the rich traditions that have sustained us for millennia, we welcome you to experience the beauty and resilience of the Warrgamay people’s traditional homeland.

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We look forward to sharing our story with you and building a future that honours our past.